Plantar Fascia – What You Know About It

Plantar Fascia – What You Know About It
May 15, 2020


It can be regarded as a long, thin, dense tissue band that extends starting from the heels to the foot at the front. It acts as a shock absorber that protects the arch of the foot. You need to go for pain management treatment right after you notice any of the symptoms.

Causes behind Plantar Fascia

Plantar fascia is thought to cause injury or inflammation due to pressure, leading to pain in the heels and rigidity. The discomfort is most commonly felt under the heel near the place where the plantar fascia is connected to the foot. For certain cases, it is not possible to determine a single cause and origin, even though those factors may contribute to the growth of the disease.

  • Obesity

  • Continuously pressurizing your feet, particularly on hard surfaces

  • Increased or any new activity or repeated impact activities like running / sports (specifically hard surface/court)

How Are Plantar Fascia Symptoms?

Plantar fasciitis, though it can occur at any age, is most widespread in people from 45 to 65 years old.

  • Sharp, burning, or dull pain near the heels or bottom of the foot is a typical symptom of plantar fasciitis. It can extend until the foot’s arch.

  • Pain in the early morning moves or after resting time. After some time stroll, the pain usually subsides

  • Increased pain following exercise or operation

What Are Plantar Fascia Care Options?

Within the literature, plantar fasciitis is sometimes referred to as an isolated disease. In the next 10 to 12 months, a large number of patients changed, though it may have a detrimental effect on the quality of life.

  • Modification of rest/activity will help. Decrease or stop the activity that exacerbates the pain, particularly for running / step aerobics activities, when the feet pound on hard surfaces.

  • A cold water bottle or ice will help to roll your foot. The application of ice wrapped in a towel to the affected region helps to relieve pain. You should do it three or four times a day. Stop applying to the skin for too long because it may cause ice burns.

  • Exercises are good. Strong foot and calf muscles combine to prevent plantar fasciitis. Stretching the vegetative fascia multiple times a day and the calf muscles will help to alleviate pain. Night-splitting works by producing a continuous mild stretch of the plantar fascia, and it takes a while to get used to the results. Tolerability may be a concern, and in some cases, it may also be helpful in reducing the early morning symptoms for 10 minutes before you wager out of bed in the morning.

You need to book an appointment with Oklahoma Spine & Pain Management. Our pain management doctors can undertake the right diagnosis and treatment for you.

**Disclaimer: This content should not be considered medical advice and does not imply a doctor-patient relationship.

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