Common Causes Behind Hormonal Imbalances

Common Causes Behind Hormonal Imbalances
December 15, 2020


The American Psychological Association describes anxiety as an emotion that induces “a sense of tension and of worry.” Fear also contributes to sweating, dizziness, shaking, high blood pressure, and fast heart rate. The anxiety that is temporary almost impacts everyone daily, whether it is minor anxieties because they’re late or because they are seriously worried about unexpected bad news. Although each person perceives anxiety differently, typical signs of anxiety in both adult men and women who are concerned, afraid, or tense remain constant. They tend to opt for hormone replacement therapy to get permanent relief from the same.

Women of all ages have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder far more often than men. In collaborative clinical epidemiology research affecting a huge number of people living in the U.S., lifetime diagnosis of anxiety disorders was much higher for women than for men. This is reinforced by other research in which it has been concluded that women are simply more likely to suffer from short-term or long-term anxiety.

Connecting hormone disturbances to women’s distress

The clinically related signs of angst and depression were pre-menopausal and menopausal. Around 40 years old, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone levels in women begin to fluctuate wildly as the process of closing down begins with the female reproductive system.

Estrogen is developed in pregnant women via ovaries, fatty tissue, and placenta. The placenta, adrenal glands, and ovaries are made of progesterone. Skin and surreal glands release small quantities of testosterone to help the well-being of the heart, brain, and nervous system. The development of these three hormones declines gradually during a female’s 40s before menopause starts due to the absence of at least ten to doze menstrual cycles.

Decades of studies have confirmed the profound effects on serotonergic (serotonin) in the brain of decreased estrogen and progesterone levels. Serotonin development is dependent on progesterone and estrogen and to complete specialized chemical processes for neurotransmitters that control mood, sleep, motivation, appetite, and libido. Therefore several individuals with anxiety disorders have selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors prescribed (SSRIs). These drugs alleviate anxiety by increasing the levels of serotonin in the brain

Taking SSRIs does not treat the root cause of their distress for women with hormonal imbalances including estrogens and progesterone. While antidepressants may reduce anxiety, the adverse effects of taking antidepressants more often than younger women are considered to have pre-menopause and menopause effects. Increased appetite, increased weight, headache, lack of sexual desire, and exhaustion. In women over the age of 40 who have SSRIs that can aid in diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol, weight gain is a widely recorded side effect. Hormone replacement therapy has no such side effects.

Diagnosis Low testosterone and pen on a desk

How is testosterone anxiety influencing?

While testosterone levels are significantly lower for women than for men, this “male” hormone is thought to play an important role in widespread anxiety and associated anxiety disorders. Researchers conclude that higher male testosterone levels could be one of the few reasons why men are not as concerned as women. Some evidence indicates that testosterone supplementation can relieve both men and women from depression and anxiety. Furthermore, women below the age of 40 have low testosterone levels in their saliva. This result could suggest that testosterone losses in women through pre-menopause or menopausal therapy are small but significant.

What is the replacement treatment for bioidentical hormones?

The safest and most effective hormone replacement therapy for women and men is bioidentical hormone therapy or BHRT. The bioidentical hormones or pharmaceutically manufactured hormones that are believed to increase your risk of breast cancer, heart disease, and stroke are not developed with equine estrogens. Plant-based bioidentical hormones are instead acquired from hormones of plants that closely match the endocrine system’s molecular structure.

Researchers have concluded that cells readily embrace bioidentical hormones as plant hormones are known as “true” hormones. Studies also suggest that the risk of serious diseases increases due to

**Disclaimer: This content should not be considered medical advice and does not imply a doctor-patient relationship.

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