When Do You Need Spine Surgery?

When Do You Need Spine Surgery?
July 12, 2019

There are numerous possible options for treatment for those who have suffered from back pain and especially those whose pain is considered to be chronic some of them even promising to heal or offer lasting relief. There is no shortage of ways to approach the management of back pain from gadgets purchased on the internet, activities, or exercises suggested by well-meaning friends and relatives. Therefore, you need to visit a spine specialist in OKC to get the facts.

In cases where traumatic spine injuries are not involved (surgical treatment of some of these types of damages is assessed differently), the back operation is usually considered if all the best non-surgical attempts fail to provide sufficient relief from pain. Conservative treatment options may include physical therapy, or injection of epidural steroids, for example.

Regardless of the cause, the most common denominator is persistent (chronic) pain. Other factors include disability (which may be so severe that the patient is in a wheelchair), and disfigurement (e.g., in scoliosis or kyphosis).

Reasons for Spinal Surgery

Release Nerve from Pressure

Some conditions, including disc hernia or spinal stenosis, compress nerves within the column of the spinal cord that may cause pain, tingling, numbness, weak muscles, and other serious symptoms. Spinal surgery is usually necessary to prevent permanent impairment with this condition. This can be done by interventions such as laminectomy, ALIF, or XLIF.

Stabilizing Spine

The instability of the spinal column in maintaining its natural shape under normal usage conditions is defined as an unstable spine. A healthy spine provides Structure, protection, and support for the body, but an unstable spine can no longer hold the ligaments, muscles, discs, and bones together so that these essential functions are carried out.

Contact a spine specialist in OKC for treatment. In many conditions, we sometimes see unstable spines, including spinal fractures, spondylolistheses, and even extreme disk injuries. Surgery is often necessary when symptoms develop into uncomfortable back pain, leg pain, or major neurological problems of the pinched nerve. The best possible solution is to fuse the unstable parts of the spine with an ALIF, PLIF, or Lateral Interbody Fusion.

spine specialist

Crooked Spine

Certain conditions, such as scoliosis, kyphosis, and flat back syndrome, affect spinal curvature and cause several deficiencies. The typical non-operative management of scoliosis and kyphosis is bracing and physical therapy, but if the spinal curvature exceeds to some extent, the reorganization of the spine requires surgery. The same goes for flatback syndrome if non-operative measures do not alleviate symptoms.

Contact Oklahoma Spine & Pain Management for a spine specialist in OKC.

**Disclaimer: This content should not be considered medical advice and does not imply a doctor-patient relationship.

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