HRT – How Long Is the Process? When to Stop?

HRT – How Long Is the Process? When to Stop?
September 16, 2020


You want quick relief if you have difficulties with hormone imbalance or hormone-related aging symptoms. After all, your comfort, functionality, and even your long-term health can be significantly compromised by the physical and emotional impact of these phenomena.

The best treatment for a wide variety of hormone-related problems, ranging from menopause symptoms to low testosterone, is now widely known as Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). It is natural to want results soon once you decide to take HRT. So how long is HRT working?

How Long Is HRT Expected to Work?

If, whether for something predictable as menopause or for unknown reasons, you feel symptoms of hormonal changes, you need care. A consultation session can assist you in assessing whether your symptoms are related to hormones, but you should always seek the advice of a specialist to ensure proper treatment and diagnosis.

Your practitioner will create an individual treatment plan with a comprehensive overview of your health to help you find relief from symptoms of trouble and restore your quality of life. If you and your practitioner are recommending HRT, you can decide which hormonal treatments and methods of administration are most suited to your symptoms or lifestyle.

Hormone Treatment

When you start treatment, you will probably worry about seeing results as quickly as possible. But hormone replacement therapy is not a quick fix. It is rather designed to re-align your hormones “” and this might take a little time.

You could have side effects, which most are mild, in the meantime. It may include breast sensitivity, floatation, increased aggression, irritability, acne depending on the hormone(s) you are taking. These effects generally resolve as your hormone levels return to equilibrium.



Hormonal balance and overall health are partly driven by our daily care. Good food, regular workouts, good sleep, and effective ways to manage stress will all help protect both your immediate and long-term health.

However, self-care may be difficult if you have hormone-related symptoms. For instance, tiredness is one of the most common symptoms of age-related hormone changes are of hormone imbalance. It can affect your mood, diet, skill, or desire to practice, and more than just sleep. Fatigue does not just affect your sleep. In other words, it can spiral on all aspects of your life and prevent you from participating in healthy conduct.

How Long Are You Eligible for HRT?

Experts suggest that menopausal women use HRT only if their symptoms are severe. Most women can take up to five years of HRT in this group.

Other women who may be forced to receive HRT are those who are being operated upon or have received treatment to prevent estrogen from occurring in their ovaries. Even if she’s young, both situations can throw a woman into a sudden menopause. As the ovarian hormones stop so suddenly circulating, they can have a severe menopause effect. Younger women who take HRT due to sudden menopause usually take it longer after natural menopause than women who take HRT. In this group, most women can take HRT until, naturally, they expect menopause, which is about 52 years old.

While HRT may be highly effective, some serious side effects and health results are at risk. The doses should be as low as possible for the symptoms to be alleviated and taken as soon as possible. This can be a few months for some women and years for others.

You may be reluctant to stop taking HRT if you are taking HRT for severe menopause symptoms because of your fear that the symptoms return. This is a valid concern. Some women experience symptoms, but you may have some control over what happens by stopping HRT.

Visit us at Oklahoma Spine & Pain Management for hormone replacement therapy in OKC. For spine problems or low back pain, consult us.

**Disclaimer: This content should not be considered medical advice and does not imply a doctor-patient relationship.

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